50 General Multiple Choice Trivia Questions

Trivia quizzes are a great way to test your knowledge and learn new interesting facts. They’re not just about challenging your memory; they can also be a fun way to learn about the world around us. Challenge yourself with these 50 multiple choice trivia questions, divided into various categories. Whether you’re playing a trivia game at a party or organizing a pub quiz, these trivia questions will certainly make the game night more interesting.

Try your general knowledge with this trivia video first!  Join the Party Game Hive by clicking on the QR code in the video to play along! After going through these trivia questions, you can visit this link for more fun multiple-choice trivia questions.

General Knowledge Multiple Choice Trivia Questions

  1. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
    • A. Marie Curie
    • B. Margaret Thatcher
    • C. Rosa Parks
    • D. Amelia Earhart
  2. What is the capital of the United States?
    • A. New York City
    • B. Washington D.C.
    • C. Los Angeles
    • D. Miami
  3. What was the first national park in the United States?
    • A. Yosemite National Park
    • B. Yellowstone National Park
    • C. Grand Canyon National Park
    • D. Everglades National Park
  4. What is the longest river in South America?
    • A. Parana River
    • B. Orinoco River
    • C. Tocantins River
    • D. Amazon River
  5. Who said: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”?
    • A. Neil Armstrong
    • B. Buzz Aldrin
    • C. Yuri Gagarin
    • D. John F. Kennedy

Pop Culture Trivia Questions

  1. Who are the main characters in the film “Forrest Gump”?
    • A. Tom Hanks and Robin Wright
    • B. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
    • C. Richard Gere and Julia Roberts
    • D. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
  2. Who is the lead vocalist of the Jonas Brothers?
    • A. Nick Jonas
    • B. Joe Jonas
    • C. Kevin Jonas
    • D. Frankie Jonas
  3. Who is the main character in “Game of Thrones”?
    • A. Jon Snow
    • B. Daenerys Targaryen
    • C. Arya Stark
    • D. There was no single main character
  4. Who was the first actor to play James Bond?
    • A. Sean Connery
    • B. Roger Moore
    • C. Pierce Brosnan
    • D. Daniel Craig
  5. Who played Mary Poppins in the original movie?
  • A. Audrey Hepburn
  • B. Julie Andrews
  • C. Elizabeth Taylor
  • D. Meryl Streep

Geography Trivia Questions

  1. What is the highest mountain in North America?
  • A. Mount McKinley (Denali)
  • B. Mount Logan
  • C. Mount Saint Elias
  • D. Mount Fairweather
  1. What is the largest city in Italy?
  • A. Milan
  • B. Naples
  • C. Rome
  • D. Florence
  1. Which of the following is a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean?
  • A. Hawaii
  • B. Florida
  • C. Alaska
  • D. Maine
  1. What is the capital of Spain?
  • A. Barcelona
  • B. Madrid
  • C. Seville
  • D. Valencia
  1. What is the official language of Brazil?
  • A. Spanish
  • B. English
  • C. Portuguese
  • D. French

History Quiz

  1. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
  • A. July 4, 1776
  • B. July 4, 1775
  • C. August 2, 1776
  • D. August 2, 1775
  1. John Adams was…
  • A. The first U.S. President
  • B. The third U.S. President
  • C. The second U.S. President
  • D. Never a U.S. President
  1. In which historical period did Leonardo da Vinci live?
  • A. Middle Ages
  • B. Renaissance
  • C. Enlightenment
  • D. Industrial Revolution
  1. The first example of paper money was the…
  • A. U.S. dollar
  • B. Chinese jiaozi
  • C. British pound
  • D. Indian rupee
  1. When did Winston Churchill win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
  • A. World War I
  • B. World War II
  • C. The Great Depression
  • D. The Cold War

Entertainment Multiple Choice Trivia Questions

  1. Who wrote the first Harry Potter book?
  • A. J.K. Rowling
  • B. Suzanne Collins
  • C. C.S. Lewis
  • D. Roald Dahl
  1. What is the title song of the musical that features ABBA’s hits?
  • A. “Mamma Mia”
  • B. “Waterloo”
  • C. “Dancing Queen”
  • D. “Chiquitita”
  1. Who is the main character in the “Indiana Jones” movie series?
  • A. Han Solo
  • B. Luke Skywalker
  • C. Jack Ryan
  • D. Indiana Jones
  1. Who won the Best Picture Oscar in 2023?
  • A. “Name of the 2022 winner”
  • B. “Name of the 2021 winner”
  • C. “Name of the 2020 winner”
  • D. “Name of the 2023 winner”
  1. Who is Sheldon’s best friend in “The Big Bang Theory”?
  • A. Leonard
  • B. Howard
  • C. Raj
  • D. Amy

Science Trivia Questions

  1. What is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?
  • A. Oxygen
  • B. Nitrogen
  • C. Carbon Dioxide
  • D. Argon
  1. Which planet is known as the ‘Red Planet’?
  • A. Mars
  • B. Venus
  • C. Jupiter
  • D. Saturn
  1. A python is a type of…
  • A. Bird
  • B. Fish
  • C. Snake
  • D. Mammal
  1. Which Apollo mission landed the first humans on the moon?
  • A. Apollo 7
  • B. Apollo 10
  • C. Apollo 11
  • D. Apollo 13
  1. Who was the first woman in space?
  • A. Sally Ride
  • B. Valentina Tereshkova
  • C. Mae Jemison
  • D. Eileen Collins

Music Trivia

  1. Who sang the hit song “Your Song”?
  • A. Elton John
  • B. Billy Joel
  • C. John Lennon
  • D. Paul McCartney
  1. What is the name of Taylor Swift’s debut album?
  • A. “Fearless”
  • B. “Red”
  • C. “Speak Now”
  • D. “Taylor Swift”
  1. Who was the lead singer of the band Queen?
  • A. Brian May
  • B. Freddie Mercury
  • C. Roger Taylor
  • D. John Deacon
  1. On which Beatles album is the song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”?
  • A. “Revolver”
  • B. “Abbey Road”
  • C. “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”
  • D. “The White Album”
  1. In what year was “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen originally released?
  • A. 1974
  • B. 1975
  • C. 1976
  • D. 1977

Food Multiple Choice Trivia Questions

  1. What type of cuisine is Chicken Jalfrezi a part of?
  • A. Thai
  • B. Mexican
  • C. Indian
  • D. Italian
  1. Sushi originated from which country?
  • A. China
  • B. Korea
  • C. Vietnam
  • D. Japan
  1. What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
  • A. Tomato
  • B. Onion
  • C. Avocado
  • D. Pepper
  1. Gouda is a type of…
  • A. Meat
  • B. Bread
  • C. Cheese
  • D. Wine
  1. In which Italian city is the Leaning Tower located?
  • A. Rome
  • B. Venice
  • C. Florence
  • D. Pisa

Sports Trivia Questions

  1. What is the national sport of Canada?
  • A. Baseball
  • B. Basketball
  • C. Ice Hockey
  • D. Lacrosse
  1. Where were the 2024 Summer Olympics held?
  • A. Tokyo, Japan
  • B. Paris, France
  • C. Los Angeles, USA
  • D. London, UK
  1. Which cricket team is nicknamed ‘The Black Caps’?
  • A. Australia
  • B. England
  • C. New Zealand
  • D. South Africa
  1. How many points is a touchdown worth in American football?
  • A. 3
  • B. 4
  • C. 6
  • D. 7
  1. What colors make up the Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom?
  • A. Blue, White, and Red
  • B. Red, White, and Green
  • C. Red, White, and Blue
  • D. Blue, White, and Yellow
  1. Who holds the record for the most home runs in a single season?
  • A. Babe Ruth
  • B. Hank Aaron
  • C. Barry Bonds
  • D. Mickey Mantle
  1. Where was the 2020 UEFA Champions League Final held?
  • A. Madrid, Spain
  • B. Paris, France
  • C. Munich, Germany
  • D. Lisbon, Portugal
  1. What tops the men’s Wimbledon trophy?
  • A. A silver tennis ball
  • B. A golden pineapple
  • C. A golden crown
  • D. A silver racquet
  1. Who won the FIFA World Cup in 2022?
  • A. Brazil
  • B. France
  • C. Germany
  • D. Argentina
  1. Who is the highest-scoring player in NBA history?
  • A. Michael Jordan
  • B. LeBron James
  • C. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • D. Wilt Chamberlain

Remember, trivia quizzes are not just a test of memory, they’re a fun and engaging way to learn about a wide variety of topics. From popular culture to the mysteries of the universe, trivia can spark interest in our fascinating world. So, gather your friends for a trivia night or use these questions for a challenging game at your next social event. You’re guaranteed to learn some fun facts along the way! Don’t forget, for even more choice quiz questions, check out this link.

Multiple Choice Trivia Questions and ANSWERS

General Knowledge Answers

  1. A. Marie Curie: Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only person to win it in two different sciences (Physics and Chemistry).
  2. B. Washington D.C.: Washington D.C. is the capital city of the United States.
  3. B. Yellowstone: Yellowstone National Park was the first national park in the U.S., established in 1872.
  4. A. Amazon: The Amazon River is the longest river in South America, and also the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world.
  5. D. Neil Armstrong: Neil Armstrong said this famous quote when he became the first man to step on the moon on July 20, 1969.

Pop Culture Trivia

  1. A. Tom Hanks and Robin Wright: Tom Hanks played Forrest Gump and Robin Wright played Jenny in the movie “Forrest Gump”.
  2. A. Nick Jonas: Nick Jonas is the lead vocalist of the Jonas Brothers.
  3. D. There was no single main character: “Game of Thrones” is known for its ensemble cast, with no single main character.
  4. A. Sean Connery: Sean Connery was the first actor to portray James Bond in film, starting in 1962.
  5. B. Julie Andrews: Julie Andrews played Mary Poppins in the 1964 movie.

Geography Trivia

  1. B. Mount McKinley (Denali): Mount McKinley, also known as Denali, is the highest mountain peak in North America.
  2. C. Rome: Rome is the largest city and capital of Italy.
  3. C. Hawaii: Hawaii is a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean and is a state of the United States.
  4. B. Madrid: Madrid is the capital of Spain.
  5. B. Portuguese: The official language of Brazil is Portuguese.

History Trivia Question Answers

  1. A. July 4, 1776: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.
  2. C. The second U.S. President: John Adams was the second President of the United States, serving from 1797 to 1801.
  3. B. Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci lived during the Renaissance, a period of “rebirth” in arts and sciences following the Middle Ages.
  4. B. Chinese jiaozi: The first known form of paper money is the Chinese jiaozi, dating back to the 10th century.
  5. B. World War II: Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the majority of World War II.

Entertainment Trivia Questions

  1. A. J.K. Rowling: J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series, with the first book published in 1997.
  2. B. “Mamma Mia”: “Mamma Mia” is the title song of the film, which features the music of ABBA.
  3. B. Indiana Jones: The main character of the Indiana Jones movie series is Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford.
  4. D. “Name of the 2023 winner”: The Best Picture Oscar winner in 2023 would be specific to that year.
  5. A. Leonard: Sheldon’s best friend in “The Big Bang Theory” is Leonard Hofstadter, played by Johnny Galecki.

Science Trivia Questions

  1. B. Nitrogen: Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere, making it the most abundant gas.
  2. A. Mars: Mars is often called the ‘Red Planet’ because its regolith, or ground cover, is rich in iron oxide – commonly known as rust – which gives the planet a reddish appearance.
  3. C. Snake: A python is a type of large constricting snake.
  4. B. Apollo 11: The Apollo 11 mission landed the first humans, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the moon in 1969.
  5. B. Valentina Tereshkova: Valentina Tereshkova, a Soviet cosmonaut, was the first woman to go to space in 1963.

Music Trivia Questions

  1. A. Elton John: “Your Song” is a famous hit by Elton John, released in 1970.
  2. D. “Taylor Swift”: Taylor Swift’s debut album is self-titled “Taylor Swift”, released in 2006.
  3. B. Freddie Mercury: Freddie Mercury was the lead singer of the band Queen.
  4. C. “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”: “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” is a song from The Beatles’ album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”.
  5. B. 1975: “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen was originally released in 1975.

Food Trivia Questions

  1. C. Indian: Chicken Jalfrezi is a popular type of Indian curry.
  2. D. Japan: Sushi is a dish originating from Japan.
  3. C. Avocado: The main ingredient in guacamole is avocado.
  4. C. Cheese: Gouda is a type of cheese originating from the Netherlands.
  5. C. Pisa: The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a famous freestanding bell tower in the city of Pisa, Italy.

Sports Trivia Question Answers

  1. C. Ice Hockey: The national sport of Canada is Ice Hockey.
  2. B. Paris, France: The 2024 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France.
  3. C. New Zealand: ‘The Black Caps’ is the nickname for the New Zealand cricket team.
  4. C. 6: In American football, a touchdown is worth 6 points.
  5. C. Red, White, and Blue: The Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom, is composed of red, white, and blue.
  6. C. Barry Bonds: Barry Bonds holds the record for the most home runs in a single season with 73 in 2001.
  7. D. Lisbon: The 2020 UEFA Champions League Final was held in Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. B. Pineapple: There is a golden pineapple atop the men’s Wimbledon trophy.
  9. D. Argentina: Argentina won the FIFA World Cup in 2022.
  10. C. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the highest-scoring player in NBA history, with 38,387 points.

If you enjoyed this multiple choice trivia questions quiz, check out all of our fun trivia games here.